Tuesday, October 28, 2008


We took Isaiah outside once again and got a much better picture of his costume..sorry for the high level of photoshopping, but it just didn't look right with the background it already had...

Anyway he actually likes to wear the costume now that we have gotten him used to it...so hopefully he won't throw a fit on Halloween...
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Monday, October 27, 2008

Fall is definitely here.....

Here are a few shots of Isaiah today....we took him to the park while we were taking John & Ann's family pic....I am almost done with their website (www.jadangus.com)....he really likes going down the slides and crawling over the cars....

We also are all ready to go for Halloween...I tried my skill at the sewing machine and found that I am not as good as Amy is with the sewing machine....but I still don't think it looks too bad, and I only had to rip a few seams back out...The coonskin cap looks a little more like a mullet, but it looks good in person....I will take a better picture when it is closer to Halloween...

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Cloth Diapers and a Sandbox......

Since school started life has definitely been hectic around here...we have lots of stuff going on and it seems like we are always one step behind...lots of side projects, but hopefully we can take it easy in November....

For anyone who may or may not be thining of getting Isaiah any clothing...we are no longer accepting "onesies" :) He is way to squirmy when we change diapers and they don't seem to fit him well since he is sort of tall....

So not only did we switch to cloth diapers, Amy started making her own as well...here we see Isaiah modeling a stylish one piece.....I have to admit that it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be, and it's nice not to have to buy diapers when we go shopping...We also got a sandbox finally...so far it has been the only thing we have in possession that has kept his attention for longer than 10 minutes at a time....

We also finally got our back patio done and underground sprinklers put in...we will hopefully plant grass shortly....