Saturday, August 8, 2009

2nd Birthday

I think this picture pretty much sums up his attitude about our picture taking session as we were potty training :)

Amy created the 2 out of his legos, and it fell apart several times before we started taping the back of it...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Vacation & Birthday

We got to celebrate Isaiah's birthday while we were in Yuma...He had a pretty good time and got to eat some authentic Mexican food...

We took a trip over to San Diego so we could swim in the ocean....this was the first time in the Ocean for Brandon and Isaiah...

Posing in front of a Palm Tree in Yuma, right after the freak sand and wind storm...
We thought this pretty well represented us....

Our full photo gallery is here....

The rest of the pictures from our summer are here....

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Random Video

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Isaiah riding his trike all over this side of town...we are still trying to get him to actually pedal...
Isaiah sporting a hat I got for being a teacher :)
Amy's 27th birthday cake...Yes that is fruity cheesecake..
A family picture on Mother's day...
A cute little boy chillin' on the couch...
We are finally getting around to finishing our far we have hauled in 13 tons of rock...
The south side of our house...somewhere we have some before pictures...this is a huge improvement over what was there...
The end of our driveway that used to have grass...we will get a better picture someday...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

More snow!

So this is what we woke up to this morning...and what Brandon got to scoop! This is not really a drift, either.
This is what yesterday was like pretty much all day...not so much fun.
Brandon and Isaiah sharing a snack. We just got a new camera that is easier to use for me (Amy) so I have been testing it out and taking more pictures than normal!
Isaiah loves shoes...he likes to try on all kinds!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Scraped knees, potty chairs, cookies and snow

Amy took this and I thought it was pretty cute. He is getting better around the camera and starts saying "cheese" whenever he sees it.We have started potty training and so far it's going ok. Amy has to do most of it since I am not at home all of the time. He likes to "bear down" though and it makes it easier to see when he wants to go.

We had a nice day on Sunday, and Isaiah got his first skinned knees of his life.

Since we had a snow day, we decided to make cookies.
After a really nice weekend, we got hit with 12 hours of rain and 8 inches of snow. So much for the last day of winter.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

All sorts of crazy events....

Well life has been a little hectic, but good overall....Isaiah is enjoying the nice weather outside...He found out that he can fit in the back of his dump truck like it's a wagon, so we have to take him for rides now..
I got a pick-up of our friends had it and needed to get rid of it, so i got a good deal on's an old forest service truck, and it's in pretty good shape for being 30 years old.
Last but not least, amidst the weeds and random sticks in our back yard, there is actually grass growing...If the weather keeps up like this, we might have an actual backyard this summer....
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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sledding & Picture

We got Isaiah to sit still long enough to take a decent picture, and it turned out pretty good.

We thought while the weather was nice that we had better take Isaiah outside and let him enjoy the snow. It's pretty nice havina park a half of a block from our backyard.

He likes to ride the little teeter-totter too

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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas Break

There aren't a ton of pics, but here are some from Christmas anyway...

Us with Grandpa and Grandma Horst...
With mom..

Us with out better halves....Isaiah riding Rody..
Our rockin' New Years Eve party...